Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why not 30 identical daffodils?

Identical daffodils for spring, rabbits for Easter, hearts or flowers for Mother’s day and Christmas trees in December. All identical, planned, prepared and supervised by adults, probably with adults doing much of the work.

Too much of this kind of activity suggests to children that there is only one way to make a daffodil or draw a rabbit and that their own ideas should fit into the narrow

We encourage children to express their ideas in many different ways.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Community of Learners Wall

A five part learning wall is on display in room 14. This wall represents the Grade 2 Neighbourhood Community of Learners. The objectives of the wall are

  • to reinforce the concept of being a life long learner

  • a referral wall for children on what has been learnt in workshops and target teaching

  • parents and children can both see what the learning is and the terminology which is being used

The learning wall is being developed by a parent Olivia Kelly, the children and the teachers. All parents are invited to come in and talk about the learning with the children. Thank you Olivia for your work in developing this idea.

Look! Excursion

A big thank you to all the parents who joined us on the excursion to the Look! Exhibition at the State Library of Victoria. I think a wonderful time was had by all. The children have written fantastic recounts about the day, some of which will be published on the blog in the coming days.


This Tuesday (31st May) the Grade 2 Neighbourhood will be performing at the school assembly. The assembly will take place between 9 and 9:30. The whole neighbourhood will be performing on stage.

On Friday Rita and Jessica held auditions for the individual speaking roles. Sixteen brave children auditioned. Rita and Jessica were so impressed by all the children that they gave all sixteen a role.

All children have the poem Night glued into their readers and writers notebook so they can practice at home and those who are speaking also have a copy of their lines.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Look! Excursion

This Tuesday (24th May) the Grade 2 Neighbourhood will be visiting the State Library of Victoria. For the excursion the children will need to bring a plastic bag with their name on it, their readers and writers notebook, a pencil and a small snack.
We are still looking for adults to assist us on the day, please see Rita, Jessica or Ethan if you would like to join us. We are travelling by tram, leaving at 12pm and and will be back at school by 3:30pm.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Story Maps

This term the Grade 2 Neighbourhood is learning that good readers and good writers understand and use story structure such as problem and resolution in narratives. In our first workshop, groups read a big book and then created a story map to show the problems and resolutions that took place throughout the story. Here is the story map of Silly Willy. In Silly Willy the main character faced complication after complication, but the story ended with a happy resolution.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Inquiry: Telling Stories

This term the Grade 2 Neighbourhood are exploring stories and the different ways in which stories can be told. As part of the first learning agreement some children chose to tell a story through images. The children planned their story and drew sketches in their inquiry books before drawing with felt tip pens and painting in watercolours. We all interpret stories differently, what story do you think the children are telling though their paintings?

We invite all parents to come in and have a look at what the children have been creating.

In the drama space the children were given the opportunity to tell a story through either a play or a puppet show. The children had to write a script and then practise their performance before presenting to the teachers, a small group and/or the whole class.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Inquiry Excursion

This term the children will be undertaking an inquiry about 'what is a story?'

Throughout the term the children will be telling stories through drama, song, art, construction and writing. An excursion has been planned for Tuesday 24th May at the State Library of Victoria to LOOK! the art of Australian picture books today.

We will be travelling to the city by tram, if you would like to assist us please speak to Jessica, Rita or Ethan by Friday 13th May.

We will require parent assistance throughout our inquiry this term and will keep you informed about how you can help.

Book Talk

Every Wednesday the Grade 2 Neighbourhood will be reading, listening to and discussing stories.

Parents who are interested in leading groups of children in these book talks are invited to see Jessica, Rita or Ethan by Friday, 13th May. You will need to be available on Wednesday mornings between 9 - 10. We are discussing the idea of having a roster for the book talks, so you do not need to be available every Wednesday.

Thank you to all of the parents and friends who participated in story time last week. Both teachers and students thoroughly enjoyed all of your stories.