Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Projects Invitation

The children and teachers cordially invite families to the presentation of their three projects; composing and presenting stories through animation, book making and drama.

This very special event will take place in the school gym on November 16th 2011 at 6.30pm. Many experts are assisting the neighbourhood in the various aspects of their projects. Meetings, shopping including online shopping, sewing, gluing, measuring, creating, laughing and problem solving.

Thank you so much to Gabi, Sule, Josie, Michelle, Laurel, Claire, Samantha, Sheryal and Year 1 neighbourhood, Shana, Gabi (teacher), and 3/4 neighbourhood 1.

The atmosphere is very exciting as we continue to develop ideas. Parents are invited and encouraged to write a comment about the children's work in the documentation books where we are recording the learning.

Monday, September 5, 2011


The Ultranet has spaces for my work. This term I have learnt:
how to change backgrounds
how to insert my learning agreements
to use glitter text
to insert a calendar
how to put a border around blogs and other displays
insert Iframes with websites
how to upload posts on my blog
to insert a Voki
upload pictures and insert pictures and photos
how to use emails to communicate with people if I have permission
to insert my learning goals
how to put notes on my express wall
how to create a learner profile.
The children will be reflecting on their achievements with the Ultranet.
We encourage parents to share the children's spaces with them and to discuss the current learning agreement and to add a comment by clicking the edit button.


The children in the neighbourhood have been invited to estimate how many jelly beans there are in a kilogram packet and then how many jelly beans would there be in 3 kilogram packets? The jelly beans were given to Rita who is painting; for every purchase of 2 cans of paint you receive a can of jelly beans.
We have discussed grams and kilogram weights.
To share these jelly beans the children will be required to mathematically work out how to share the jelly beans equally amongst the children in the neighbourhood.
Another question is which colour has the most or are there equal amounts of each colour? How can we work this out?
We have discussed rounding off numbers as one strategy when solving problems. In their work with money this week the children will be rounding off given amounts.
The children are encouraged to work with the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives mathematical activities. The link to this website should be on each children's Ultranet.