“Family and Friends” Written and Performed by Year 2 Neighbourhood Drama Project Group.
The story of “Family and Friends” is set in Melbourne, Carlton in 2006. Roxy Blythstown, a popular rock singer on You Tube is reunited with her sister Lucy by the magical birds. The sisters decide to play together but they accidently fall down a drain pipe. The Ninga tourists arrive as they are touring Carlton and help the sisters. Meanwhile a wicked witch orders her robot to magnetize the sisters and the tourists to her house. The witch has evil plans. Roxy’s fans follow her through Twitter and discover where Roxy is. The wicked witch’s spells don’t go to plan but good finally comes through all of this misadventure. The family is reunited and everyone becomes friends.
Scene 1-Baby Roxy is given up for adoption.
Scene 2-The two sisters Roxy and Lucy are reunited by the magical birds.
Scene 3-The Ninga tourists arrive.
Scene 4-The witch plots a plan with her robot.
Scene 5-The robot magnetizes everyone to the witch’s house.
Scene 6-Roxy’s fans find their star.
Scene 7-The witch has a revelation.
Adaption agency worker
Ivy Miller
Sebastian Durham, Matilda Verdon Black, Ella Gunn, Sam Jones, Ivy Miller
Maddie Tenace, Jane-Rose Harrison-Kern, Vivienne McCracken, Rochelle DeNardis, Jasmine Poniris
Asha Ketchell
Ninga tourists and guide
Lachlan Phillips, Wil Debrodt Sutherland, Joel Bennett, Samson Romfos, James Baikie and Isabella Richards
Nora Rodin
Miray Kaplan
Roxy’s Father
Sebastian Durham
Sisters Roxy and Lucy
Ciara Hardy and Lucia
Irene Mohamed
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